O Flamengo que a gente deseja Por Nivinha | 21 de janeiro de 2015 Fala Nação Rubro-Negra! Pra começar esse 2015, saí às ruas da Tijuca, pra saber o que a rubronegrada está esperando e querendo nesse ano. E, lógico, senti a tremedeira dos antis também! Saudações Rubro-Negras! Paz e Amor! Sobre Nivinha
Keep on writing and chugging away!
Smart thinking – a clever way of looking at it.
Wow! Great thinking! JK
Yo, good lookin out! Gonna make it work now.
Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.
Your answer was just what I needed. It’s made my day!
That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
That saves me. Thanks for being so sensible!
The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.
Unbelievable how well-written and informative this was.
I’m not worthy to be in the same forum. ROTFL
I’m not easily impressed but you’ve done it with that posting.
Holy Toledo, so glad I clicked on this site first!
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thanks
I love these articles. How many words can a wordsmith smith?
That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.
Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!
Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.
This is the perfect way to break down this information.